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(in development)

Over the past year Garrett has been working with pianist GraceANN Cummings on a set of new works for piano, seven of which premiered at Seattle’s Wayward Music Series (November, 2019). Although these pieces may appear to resemble classical pedagogical études, their innovative process and product introduce a unique method of compositional structure to the world of music.

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Music by Garrett Fisher | Libretto by Ellen McLaughlin | Directed by Rachel Dickstein | Music Directed by Steven Osgood

World Premiere: Prototype Festival, New York City (New York City), January, 2020.

Commissioned by Beth Morrison Projects and HERE Arts Center, BLOOD MOON is a taut, poetic, opera-theatre for three characters who encounter each other on the night of a full moon: a nephew who returns to the mountain top where he left his aunt to die forty years earlier, the ghost of the aunt he abandoned, and the moon that presides over this night of reckoning as it did the night of her death. Inspired by the Noh play Obasute, the piece is a meditation on the end of life, the nature of joy, regret, and whether atonement is possible. (Photo courtesy of Maria Baranova.)

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Music & Illustrations by Garrett Fisher  | Screenplay by Garrett Fisher & Amy Schrader

World Premiere: Madrid International Film Festival, 2018 (nominated for Best Animation)

When the mortal Proto declares his beauty divine by branding himself with a molten snake, he infuriates the vengeful Goddess of Beauty. Thrown into a dungeon of men doomed to an eternal, tortuous orgy, Proto is tried by the Goddess’ son, the God of Love. When passion ignites between the gorgeous God and man, the world’s fate hangs in the balance and the Goddess knows what she must do.

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Proto and the Snake
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