Photo courtesy of Maria Baranova.
Photo courtesy of Maria Baranova.
Photo courtesy of Maria Baranova.
Photo courtesy of Maria Baranova.
Music by Garrett Fisher | Libretto by Ellen McLaughlin | Directed by Rachel Dickstein | Music Directed by Steven Osgood
World Premiere: Prototype Festival, New York City (New York City), January, 2020.
Commissioned by Beth Morrison Projects and HERE Arts Center, BLOOD MOON is a taut, poetic, opera-theatre for three characters who encounter each other on the night of a full moon: a nephew who returns to the mountain top where he left his aunt to die forty years earlier, the ghost of the aunt he abandoned, and the moon that presides over this night of reckoning as it did the night of her death. Inspired by the Noh play OBASUTE, the piece is a meditation on the end of life, the nature of joy, regret, and whether atonement is possible. (Photo courtesy of Maria Baranova.)
"Also confident, in a very different register, was Garrett Fisher’s score for 'Blood Moon,' at the Baruch Performing Arts Center. Mr. Fisher ingeniously transfigured the sound world of classical Japanese Noh drama, with a harmonium making a gently coppery wheeze and the willowy viola da gamba trading off with its more powerful descendant, the cello. Modern metal flutes coexisted with the antique sound of a bamboo flute; traditional taiko drums crashed as punctuation on the action." -The New York Times
"An alluring sound world" -The Wall Street Journal
As with Noh theater and Chinese opera, which are organized by genres, Garrett Fisher has discovered his own categories and traditions.
(2007, 1998)
Passion Play
(2007, 1995)
(2010, 1996)
Film & Installation
an animatic (2018)
an installation (2017)
a web opera (2012)
a web opera (2011)
a short film (2007)
a short film (2000)